Welcome to my job-related website 😎Ruedi Arnold

I am a lecturer and researcher in computer science at the Lucerne School of Information Technology at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Rotkreuz, Switzerland. For more information about my person see my online Curriculum Vitae.


Title: Prof. Dr.
Name: Ruedi Arnold
Degree: Dipl. Informatik Ing. ETH, Dr. sc. ETH
Mail: ruedi.arnold@hslu.ch (PGP public key)
LinkedIn: me@LinkedIn
Phone: +41 41 757 68 69
Threema: SH9ZFHN2
Address: HSLU I
Suurstoffi 1
6343 Rotkreuz
Office: 8th floor, south side

Teaching and Research Interest

The focus of my teaching and research activities lie in the (wide) areas of software engineering, programming, education and human factors. I teach many classes in the area of programming. I am furthermore the head of the HSLU-part of the joint Master's program in specialized media and IT teaching and learning methods. The title of my dissertation at ETH Zurich in the area of computer science and education was Interactive Learning Environments for Mathematical Topics, the InfoTraffic software is online available along with teaching material. For further information about what I do, see my individual pages dedicated to presentations, publications, media feedback, teaching, and activities & projects or take a look at my online CV. And - of course - I got a life besides work as well, take a look at the fun section or this HSLU blog post for some impressions on that. ;-)

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